. 1. According to Jared Diamond, what is the one factor that allowed Europeans to develop the forces necessary to conquer vast portions of the world?

needs the productive crops and animals allowed Europeans to develop guns, germs, and steel, and ultimately, to conquer the world.

2. Why were the Europeans who settled the South African cape so successful? Describe two reasons. 

 the Cape and Europe have a similar latitude (distance from the equator), they can grow the same types of crops and raise the same types of livestock in Africa as they did back home in Europe.

3. How did disease allow the Europeans to conquer the native populations in the Americas and in the African cape?

When the people of the Americas and the South African cape came into contact with these germs, they were killed in massive numbers, making settlement of these lands much easier for the Europeans.

4. While the Europeans who were attempting to overtake/settle the tropical areas of the African continent were responsible for introducing killer germs to the native populations, they also suffered from the effects of the germs native to this part of the world. Describe how these germs worked against the European settlers.

5. How did the native Africans protected themselves from the germs that caused diseases such as Smallpox and Malaria? Give specifi c examples cited in the fi lm.

Africans lived in small communities spread out over relatively large areas, they could minimize the transmission of diseases such as Malaria when outbreaks occurred. Because European settlers did not understand the causes of Malaria, they concentrated their settlements near rivers and water sources where they faced the greatest exposure to Malaria. Because they all lived in close proximity, epidemics were frequent and deadly to the settlers.

6. How has the colonization of Africa created countries riddled with disease? Give specifi c examples from the film.

by the strains of the disease mutating, causing drugs to be less effective. As a result, there are high numbers of people infected with and dying from diseases like Malaria. In addition, new diseases, such as HIV/AIDS are now also spread more easily because of so many people living in densely populated areas.

7. What is the number one public health problem in Zambia, and who are the people primarily affected by this?

  number one killer of African children under the age of 5.

8. How has disease contributed to the poverty in many African countries such as Zambia?

 the disease affects so many children so frequently, many mothers who would normally be working and contributing to the society are instead sitting in hospitals nursing sick children.

9. According to statistics from the fi lm, how has Malaria effected the net growth in Africa over the last 50 years?
