

To: Future Rex

Dear 40 year old Rex,

Freshman year was one to remember. In fact the year of 2020 was a year to remember. Freshmen year was going by fine and then we were told that we might be taken out of school for two weeks due to a virus going around. Well that was completely false, the virus ended up taking the whole entire school year away. We were in a quarantine and nobody could leave there homes for almost 3 months until it was lifted. I was kind of scared for most part because I didn’t know what was going on. Nobody could figure out what the symptoms of the virus were, which meant anybody could have it. On top of that we had to wear mask everywhere we went.

 This is something I could never forget about especially because my favorite thing to do was taken away from me which was basketball. The season was completely canceled and so were professional sports. For this summer I expect it to be decent because I still have all my sister’s home and my nieces and nephews to go in the pool with and hangout with. But I do hope for some type of structure to come back to the world soon because it just seems everything is just getting crazier and crazier by the minuet. I hope that my 10th grade year everything will go back to normal. I hope to go into the year strong and continue to get good grades. I also grew a little bit from the last Basketball season as I am now 6 foot 1. I hope to play basketball next year and make varsity. Another reason I am looking forward to next year is because I can get my driver license and a new car.


From:  Past freshmen Rex

