
1)     Describe the kinds of dramas that were performed in the theaters of ancient Greece.
The two type of dramas performed are tragedy and comedy. Tragedy was a serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal, comedy contained scenes filled with slap stick situations and crude humor.

2)     Answer ONE of the following (either a or b):
b.     OR… Describe the similarities between an ancient Greek production and a film you have seen recently. The Greek production – and the film – can be either a comedy or a as tragedy.
Back then a lot of tragedy plays were very much like recent movies today when it comes to theme. A lot of movie today use hate and love as motive to do something crazy and normally that makes up the movie. Some movies use hate as a sign of vengeance and drive and some use love so that the person can be blind from what’s in front of them.

3)     Find an online image of a theater from ancient Greece, post it to your blog, and describe it in a few sentences.

this picture gives lots of information. You can tell that the theater held lots of people maybe thousands. you can also tell that some plays may have had to be determined to by if the weather was good or not. think about how much time it took to build these theaters back then. that's a lot of years.
How Theater in Ancient Greece Evolved


  1. Good work, Rex. One thing you could have done was tell me what theater you chose. Other than that, very good work!



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