1. fertile cresent is the curved shape and the lands facing the meditteranean.

2. mesopatania is the land between two diffrenet rivers. 

3. City-state is the surrrounding land that is controlled

4. dynasty is the series of rulers that are from a single family.

5. cultural diffusion is the process in which a new idea or a product spreads from one culture to another culture which leads to being called cultural diffusion 

6. Polytheism is the belief in more than one god 

7. Hammurabi is the babylonian empire reaching its peak druing the reign.

8. Empire is the control of both northern and southern mesopatamia, sargon created the worlds first empire.

What were the three enviromental changes to summerians 

. The three enviormental changes to summerians were first Unpredictable flooding, second no natural barriers for protection, and third limited resources.

A little more info 

Today in class we also went over note takingf he showed us the important topics anf facts that were nessasary for example we pointed out the main idea and some key definitions in the text “City-states in mesopatamia.”  
