Blog post 9

Today in class we talked about the five themes of geography. 
Each point on the earths surface is unique because of landforms, hydrology, biogeography, pedology, and etc. 
Location is a particular place or position. Place is a particular position or point in space. Toponym is the name given to a place on Earth. Site is an area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed. Situation a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself. 

Geographers describe location by using location, space, and connections.

answers to the questions:

Now for the map of 1650 I chose site E because it almost has all the features it has mountains, sand bars, and good farm land. It just doesn't have any swamps. For the map of 1850 I chose C because it seemed like the best choice because of it being near the ocean and having fresh water swamps. I would of said site D but didn't because even though it has the ocean, salt water swamps, and fresh water swamps I feel like it would just get flooded all the time. For the map of 1880 I said site C again because it has all the land features coal, mountains, and good farmland. 

We did this asignment untill the end of class
