Blog 13

Today in class we went over some our dissucssions yesterday which were how the Cultural diffusion is the process of spreading cultural traits from one region to another. The spread of McDonald's restaurants worldwide is an example of cultural diffusion.Expansion diffusion: an innovation or idea that develops in a source area and remains strong there, while also spreading outward to other areas. This can include hierarchical, stimulus, and contagious diffusion.Relocation diffusion: an idea or innovation that migrates into new areas, leaving behind its origin or source of the cultural trait.Hierarchical diffusion: an idea or innovation that spreads by moving from larger to smaller places, often with little regard to the distance between places, and often influenced by social elites.Contagious diffusion: an idea or innovation that spreads based on person-to-person contact within a given population. Stimulus diffusion: an idea or innovation that spreads based on its attachment to another concept.

After that discusion which ennded towards the middle of class we continued the power point assignment from last class and finished the class period completing it. 
